What can I do on my Patio or Deck?
Our decks and front patios are limited common elements. They fall under certain guidelines as defined in our CC&R's. Here are some common...

Weekly Landscaping Maintenance
As of 2016, our local landscaping company that maintains the grounds at Hawthorne is Signature Landscaping. They cut the back slopes in...

Roof Replacement Project
In 2016, Hawthorne roofs were 18 years old. They are composite shingles and as typical in the Northwest, are tested each winter with wind...

Annual Garage Sale - First Saturday of June
In 2014, our community started combining our individual garage sales into an annual garage sale day! Residents may have a garage sale at...

Homeowners Association Meeting Info
The Hawthorne Homeowners Association has a Monthly Meeting the fourth Tuesday each month, 7:00pm - 9:00pm, at the Carol Edwards Center in...

Want an AC at Hawthorne? Here's how
To do any work, you must contact our management company and fill out an architectural request form. The contractor has to provide proof...

Drainage Projects
April 2016 Drainage project update The HOA board has been working for a few years on removing above ground drainage pipes around the...

Dealing with Rodents, Ants, Hornets
Hawthorne is surrounded by nature and as such, we sometimes face critters and pests. Our management company contracts with a pest...